DIY | Scrunchie Video

I'm a fan of video tutorials and I know a lot of you all are, too. So for you, here's the Easiest Scrunchie VIDEO Tutorial!


What you'll need:

1. A piece of fabric at least 18" X 4"

2. Three cones of thread - I like to use Woolley Nylon in my loopers. 

3. Hair tie

4. Scissors

5. Ruler

6. Clips or pins

7. Sewing Machine or a needle and thread for hand sewing

8. Safety Glasses - Look, I don't know about you, but I like to protect my eyes when using machinery, I suppose this habit was built into me during my brief stint as a marine machinist. 

9. A serger that is capable of doing a rolled hem

Tip: Use your manufacturers instruction for how to set your machine up to do a rolled hem...YouTube also is a great resource if you need help with rolled hems. Here's the setup I use on my Brother 1034D.

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