Getting Started | How Trimless Pages Work

This week I was asked how the trimless pages work (trimless option pattern piece file).

And I think this is such a great question because knowing how they work also helps you understand how when lines are off it actually IS just the printer.

So here's a brief explanation of how trimless pages (artboards) are made and how the pattern pieces are added to them. 

So if you have Illustrator, open that sucker up and follow along. If you don't, please follow along, this is really interesting. 

If you're a designer and want to purchase my 4 most popular page options they're available here -> Adobe Illustrator Templates

Step 1 (red box in below picture):

File - New -

Make artboards the size of US Letter Paper.

In width put: 8.5

In height put: 11 

Step 2 (yellow box in above picture):

Select "More Settings"

When the More Setting window opens change spacing to -.75 (yellow rectangle in the below picture).

You can also change the number of artboards (pages you need here). I suggest going big, like 64. Change the columns to 8 if you're going that big.

The thing about going big is you can lay your pattern pieces on top and whatever artboards you end up not using can easily be deleted in the Artboards window. IMO (in my opinion) it's easier to delete then add when I'm working, just my opinion though, you do you. 

Select "Create Document" (green rectangle in the below picture).

Step 3 (red box in below picture): 

In the layers panel select the create new layer icon (red box in below picture).

Create at least 2 layers.

Double click the name of each layer and rename one US Letter and the other A4.

Step 4 (blue box in below picture): 

In the layers panel select the US Letter layer. You're working in this layer now.

Make your outline a color and the no fill color.

Draw a line over the overlaps (vertical and horizontal).

Step 5 (red box in below picture): 

In the layers panel select the A4 layer. You're working in this layer now.

Make your outline a color and the no fill color.

Draw a line over the horizontal overlap.

Draw another line .11" to the right of the US Letter.

Step 6: 

Make another layer for your page numbers and get to drawing! The pages (your artboards) after you save as a PDF will print exactly how you see them! 

Yes, whatever you draw that will print. You don't need to re-draw each shape on each artboard.

Here is a quick video of what I'm talking about.

And if you're printer is just not compatible with trimless (I like you but I'm not IN like with you) then use the Trim Page pattern pieces. With trim pages your have a margin so it doesn't matter if your asshole printer doesn't pull the paper perfectly every time. 


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