Pattern Mod | Belltown Bottoms - Fabric Waistband Modification

Our latest pattern, The Belltown Bottoms, features an elastic waistband but for our friends that are looking for a fabric waistband this quick and easy tutorial is for you!

Before you begin keep these things in mind:

1. Your fabric for the waistband should be a medium weight or higher. You don't want a slinky fabric, it won't be able to hold your bottoms up. So pick a fabric that has 4 way stretch, minimum 50% stretch across the grain PLUS has the same recovery. That means when you stretch your fabric out is bounces right back. Like a ball. I kid, but you get the point.

2. You're going to have to measure your child's waist and do a little math. Here is the equation:

Waist X .85 = width of the waistband

Keep in mind when you cut your width of the waistband is going across the grain.

3. Because the elastic waistband is folded into the pant adding an elastic waistband will add to the rise. So you need to decide if you want your fabric waistband to increase the rise or not.

If you want the rise to be the same you'll need to reduce the rise on the pattern pieces the length of the waistband. You'll find directions on how to do this in the instruction. 

4. And one last thing you need to keep in mind and then we can get this show on the road. However long (long meaning from head to toe) you want the waistband to be remember to double it because fabric waistbands need to be folded in half.

So your equation for the waistbands length is:

(Measured Length x 2) + .75" = Waistband Length (cut with the grain)

So with all that said go measure and cut out your fabric waistband.

Required Pieces

1 - Assembled Belltown Bottom Pant Legs

1 - Fabric Waistband (cut to your measurements)

Fold the fabric waistband in half (across the grain) with the right sides together.

Fold the fabric waistband in half (with the grain) with the wrong sides together.

Sew the raw short ends together with a straight stitch.

Your waistband looks like this now. 

Turn the fabric waistband right side out, like a boss. Now you need to make the waistband 180 degrees out from the seam. 

Yup, right there is perfect.

Okay now with your pants turned right side out we're going to shove them inside the fabric waistband. 

Your fabric waistband's seam is lined up with the back seam of the pant. Your 180 degree mark on the fabric waistband is lined up with the front seam of the pant.

Now insert the pant into the waistband and pin the waistband to the pants. Line up all the raw edges (there should be three).


Sew the pieces together using either a stretch stitch (such as a zigzag stitch) on a sewing machine or an overlock (serger) to sew the pieces together.

Start at the back of the pant and gently stretch the waistband as you sew to the front seam. Remove the pin and continue sewing to the back. Backstitch if you're on a sew machine or thread your tails in if on a serger. 

And that's all! 

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    1 comment

    • Georgia
    • October 12, 2020

    Amazing 😉 thank you!!

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